
Showing posts from January, 2021

Exploring Your World

  My wife and I gave each other a unique gift this past Christmas.  We decided to get a NordicTrack studio cycle.  This piece of exercise equipment is much more than a spin class bike.  It is a virtual vacation every time you choose to use it. The bike has a computer screen mounted to it that can take you virtually anywhere in the world.  Whether you choose to cycle or do a yoga class, you can be transported around the world with a tap on the screen.  This idea of getting from one place to another got me thinking and this story was born. Growing up, our family didn't have a car until 1968.  Yes my dad had one, but my mom and the kids were land locked.  Our grandfather called one day with news we were getting a car and we literally began jumping up and down in celebration.  We would now be able to expand our world and realm of possibilities. Before the car, we walked.  I remember we would all walk to the grocery store in the summer pullin...

Library of Wonder

 Our grade school library at Crestwood was a window into the world of wonder.  At first glance, it appeared rather small and crowded with books that kind of smelled dank and old.  Upon further investigation, these hidden treasures unlocked the door of knowledge, imagination, and creative thought. It was on these shelves that I discovered books such as  Curious George, JFK and PT109, Denny McLean 31-6, and Rifles for Wattie.  The following is why these titles have stood out to me all these years: At a very early age, the Curious George book series was an introduction to animation portraying life situations.  Curious George was a monkey who challenged your imagination to expand and grow. The JFK and PT109 book was my very first book report.  It was a fascinating historical look at former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's time during his military service.  He was involved in a torpedo boat accident where he saved a lot of lives at great risk to his...