Night Lights


When you're small, the dark can be a scary place.  Pitch black is where disorientation and things unknown reside and go bump in the night.  A little light goes a long way towards building confidence and soothing fear.  So, when we were little, we had night lights.

The first night light I remember was strategically placed in our bathroom.  The door to the bathroom was always left open when unoccupied.  With only one bathroom for 6 people, you can understand the need for a lighthouse to keep the ships from crashing up onto the rocks near the shore.

The night light I enjoyed the most though was my Trix night light.  I believe we actually had to send away for it and include money and box tops to obtain it.  I would spend hours lying in my bed staring at this night light.  What was its significance?  The face of a rabbit with glowing eyes of red shed a low glow as the hours passed each night, seemingly standing guard for me as I slumbered.

We recently bought an air purifier that has a small blue light on it that illuminates our bedroom when running.  I mentioned to my wife that we really needed to get a Trix night light in order to fall asleep safer.  She laughed and said the cereal was kind of gross and why would we need a night light in the first place.  Well played Georgina, well played, but if I ever get the chance, I'm getting  one.


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